With the price of scrap back up, we are being inundated with offers to scrap customers cars in Hull – a nice blue Punto bought for cash today.
Recent Cars

BMW Z3 Collected
Rather than our customer trying to sell his Cat C damaged BMW Z3, we collected it from him for a reasonable sum.

Seat Leon Collected
This customer purchased a new car and simply needed rid of his old Seat Leon quickly, as it had run out of MOT and was taking up room.
Customer Let Down by Private Buyer
Our customer was let down by a private buyer who promised to buy his Ford Fiesta – he contacted us to remove it, as he needed room for a newer car.

Vauxhall Corse with Faulty Water Pump
We collected this Corsa from a customer today in Hull as there was a fault with the water pump.

Toyota Avensis Scrapped to Make Space
We collected this Toyota Aventis that had been sat on customers drive for 5 months who needed the space back.

Cat C Panda Collected from Customer
We collected this Panda from a customer in Beverley who didn’t wish to sell privately as it was category C damaged.

Honda Accord with Faulty Brakes
This customer’s Honda Accord was experiencing problems with the brakes and couldn’t find a better price locally.